Monday, August 24, 2009


Some extra notes in addition to our post-Mongolia-post last year:

Stick to low-tech, reliable 1990s Japanese cars - they really work.

At borders it might be slighty more difficult to play the Dumb Italians, as everyone speaks French. What worked wonders for us half of the time was to sent our Resident Football Experts to talk, well, football, followed by small gifts such pens or cigarettes.

Pack superlight, you can do the whole trip with just one pair of pants, one of shorts, very few tshirts and a windbreaker. Weather ranges from warm to blow-drier hot, and rain is minimal, even further south. Leave your hiking boots at home.

Tent? There are plenty of budget accomodations along the way, and in a lot of countries it is not advisable to camp anyway.

Another item you can leave behind is a jerry-can. One petrol station is never to far, even in the middle of Wester Sahara.

Last but not least: do not carry US dollars, they are useless in all of Francophone Africa, not even banks will change them. Quite a satisfaction for Euroland supporters.

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